Coaching for Real Estate Agents

Group Coaching or Individual Coaching

R1 One-On-One Coaching
R Squared Group Coaching

Support and Accountability

R Squared Calls are a confidential environment where your team and coach will cheer you, share advice and exchange ideas.

Weekly Call

One hour-long, weekly call with your Wickman Trainer/Coach and 7-8 teammates. Plus access to your coach whenever needed.

Resource Center

Your membership includes The HUB: our online resource center with webinar recordings, customizable tools and time management tools.

Wickman-Trained Coaches

Our Coaches are committed to living by our Core Values and adhere to our standards for all team members.

They know your name. They know your goal and their number one goal is that you hit it. Our Wickman-Trained Coaches are (L-R):  Mike Pallin, Mary Pallin, Sheldon Spiegel, and Dawn Zehren.

Visit the Meet Our Team page for more info on each of them.

Hit Your Goal!

R Squared members meet in teams of eight for one hour each week. The calls are led by a Floyd Wickman Team Trained Coach.

We call it R Squared Coaching because the ‘R’ stands for responsibility. Each member of an R Squared Team is responsible to and for every other member of the team hitting his or her goals. We help each other week after week with ideas, techniques, solutions, advice, support, and encouragement. You will speak, contribute, and receive help on every call. The ‘Squared’ means to a Higher Power, or to a greater degree. This coaching format is the embodiment of the ‘Get By Giving’ philosophy.

Since July 2009, R Squared Coaching members have produced an average of 103% of their individual transaction goals.

A unique blend of one-on-one customized coaching, mastermind problem solving, cutting-edge shared ideas, and just enough accountability to your production goal.


"I have been involved with R2 coaching for the past 8 years. This coaching team has changed my life both personally and professionally. I count on these people to keep me in line and on track. It is the one monthly expense that I will NEVER give up !! ~ Kelly Parker

R Squared Coaching is All-Inclusive

  • One hour weekly call with your Wickman Trained Coach and teammates
  • Access to all R Squared Coaches
  • Virtual Workshops including How to Not Cut Your Commission and Handling Hesitations
  • Support and encouragement in a confidential environment
  • Participation and interaction in every coaching session
  • The Resource Hub: an online center that contains recordings of webinars and power point slides, like a Listing Presentation and Buyer CITO that can be personalized
  • 6-month commitment: While many other coaching programs require a one-year commitment, 6 months is long enough to build or rebuild momentum and to see measurable results.
Sign up for 2024
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Top Producing Agents Succeed in R Squared


“I have calls and meetings all week.
This call is the only call I always get something out of, no matter what. I love knowing I can reach out to anyone on my team. Anything I need is only phone call away.”



“I have been coached for 20 years. The first 10 in a one on one relationship, and now 10 years with R Squared. I need the accountability. Here I also get the camaraderie, the love, the loyalty, the interaction, the wisdom. I know I can ask any question and receive unconditionally loving advice.”


One Thing We Know About You

We've been coaching agents for 15 years and have learned a ton along the way. One thing we know for certain is that most agents prefer a quick conversation over the phone before making a commitment to this program.

You have a lot of choices when it comes to who you select as your coach, and it's a decision we can advise you on. If there isn't a mutual fit, it would be a tragedy to even start working together.

If you need accountability, new ideas, and a sounding board before making business decisions, drop your info below and one of our coaches will be in touch with you to schedule a short phone call. No spam. No pressure. Just two humans connecting to help you make the best decision for you and your business.


Who Succeeds in R Squared?

The program was originally created for graduates of The Floyd Wickman Program to continue applying the material learned from the program and build accountability.

R Squared has evolved since 2009 and we now have a format optimized for agents that haven't completed the Program.

From our experience, the agents that succeed in this program are...

  • Tired of throwing money at dead-end leads
  • Facing overwhelm or burnout
  • Unsure how to spend their time
  • Ready to scale their business but aren't sure how
  • Feeling alone in this business and needing someone to hold them accountable
  • Needing advice on how to handle difficult clients, or curveballs during transactions
  • Givers and believe in our Core Values and the #GetByGiving Philosophy
  • Willing to commit to this program and complete the weekly activities

Whether you are a new agent or a top-producer, you face new challenges constantly. Our unique coaching program puts a group of eight agents from around North America together with a Wickman-trained coach so you have a "Board Of Directors" to encourage and challenge you. 

Feel like we're describing you and the problems you're facing? You don't have to do this alone anymore. Drop us a line, and let's connect.

Now enrolling for 2024 📲

Coaching costs $990 for 6 months of participation. You have the option to pay monthly as a convenience.



Looking for something else? 

We now offer One-On-One Coaching. Click here to learn more.