Episode 338: If You Do the Work, You Will Have the Production

Season #7

Have you set your goal for the second half of 2024 yet?

Remember that goals give us the energy we need - and for them to work their magic, they should be specific, measurable, attainable,, something you want for you, visualized and with a time limit.

Begin with a review of your January 1 thinking, and does everything you thought back then still apply today? When is enough enough?

And finally, convert that income number into a controllable, trackable activity

SMART Numbers
In the first half of 2024, there were two averages that jumped out at us.
Average number of Qualifying Conversations per person per week for all of R Squared Coaching
Average production (listings, sales and sold listings) per person per week

"If you build it, they will come.” - Field of Dreams

“If you do the work, you will have the production.” - Mike & Mary

We have put together a “Wickmanized” buyer agency presentation for you. The slides are in The Hub, as is the webinar we recorded last week walking you through the presentation.