Episode 336: Time Kills All Deals — Control the Timing!

Season #7

Parade of Techniques:

1. zoodealio.com - You put in your address and the information about the property and it creates a chart of options for cash offers. A consolidated cash offer platform!

2. A question to add to your arsenal when you are going on a relo listing appointment that might get you more listings.

Ask the Experts:

1. My number one goal is to clean up my database. I’ve got people in there that I’ve called and called, and they don’t answer. What’s the last ditch effort before you send them through the shredder?

2. I have a buyer client who is also a seller. They found something to buy, and now they are putting their house on the market. I have the ability to do “Coming Soon” for seven days. It goes active tomorrow. We found out that the house they are buying has an IRS lean on it. What do I do with the listing? Do we not put it live? What should I do? They could be homeless.