Episode 134: Rethinking Client Appreciation Events

Season #3

Parade of Techniques

- How to make the most of your just listed and just sold post cards (a free trick!)

- A strategy in a hot market to prevent disappointing your clients — many agents are presenting multiple offers on different houses at the same time. How do we protect them?


Ask the Experts:

- "How do I stay close to my clients, show them appreciation, but also stay safe?"

- A Listing situation that occurred twice in one week and how to handle it:

- Situation: Sellers are 88 and 86. They came to the agent and said it’s the family home. None of our kids live nearby so we want to have an estate sale first. Estate companies declined having a sale. What do I do? The kids won’t help.

- #1 - get their signature first

- #2 - have a garage sale

- #3 - serve the customer. offer to buy it for them