Episode 216: Partnering With Buyers And Lenders
Parade of Techniques:
1. Do you ever work with people out of the country that need to sign documents? How do you get their signature notarized?
2. Identify properties that should be coming into the market in a different way than mass mailings or robocalling! It’s a website to help you identify distressed properties, vacant homes, and pre-foreclosures!
Ask the Experts:
1. Do you respond to texts and emails at 6:00 AM or at 10:30 PM at night? No? Then, how do you handle these buyers who are desperate and need you immediately?
2. One of the traditional ways to get listings is to farm a geographic area. And Floyd always says, “It works!” It takes usually more time, effort, and money to pay off. So I’m partnering with my lender to form a farming area to get listings. What do you suggest I do?
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