Episode 220: Solutions & Possibilities

Season #5

Parade of Techniques:

1. How would you like a way to turn your financed buyers into cash offers? 

RibbonHome.com - a new tool to check out.

2. How do we get better at what we do? Floyd says to practice. We drill for skill. That’s what role play is all about. It’s rehearsing! And role play elevates your skill level like really quickly! Here’s a parade from one of Mike’s students on how she elevated her mental agility and overall real estate skills.

3. Two other Parade of Techniques from Mary!

a. Mary got a student who is doing a lot of business, getting listings and the people around him are not getting listings. He’s beaten the odds. How is he doing it?

b. “How do you make myself make calls?”

Ask the Experts:

1. My number 1 goal is to honor the referrals I’m getting. But they’re marginally qualified buyers and I’m asking myself, “Am I just wasting my time?”. So how do I honor these referrals and at the same time, not lose my life over having to work with these marginally qualified buyers?

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