The Wickman Concept of Taking Time Off
May 23, 2024Floyd Wickman taught us to take a day off each week. Since we are at the start of “summer” let’s take a few minutes to explore the Wickman concept of time off and how it will help you enjoy June, July, and August a little bit more.
When I took Sweathogs, taking a day off was mandatory. It was actually a strike if you didn’t do it! I am so grateful. I learned to take the same day off every week and to communicate it to my family, friends, and clients. That discipline is the basis of today’s message because I would bet a nickel that 99% of those reading this do not take a consistent day off. (I’d love to hear that you are the exception!)
But, what if you started now?
Because if you can take a day off, you can take several days at a time, or even a whole week off. Summertime offers so many activities and social events to enjoy. Decide you’re not going to miss out on them this summer.
We are so lucky we don’t have to schedule vacations months in advance! We can be spontaneous. We can plan short windows of relaxation. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Realtors with children know balance takes on a whole new meaning when school is out, and that it can take a couple of weeks to find the right rhythm of work/play. It’s all about communicating and planning.
Every year, on the day after school got out, we gathered the whole family at the kitchen table. Momma had the notepad and everyone, even the littlest one, brainstormed ideas and listed what we wanted to do that summer.
Some of the items were traditions like our annual Un-Birthday Party, visiting the Wickman Family in Michigan, and joining the waterski show team. Sometimes we planned new things to do like exploring a cave or going to Wisconsin Dells. The list was clipped to the front of the refrigerator and items got crossed off.
Floyd calls these “LFTs” – or “Look Forward To’s” – and they help us to endure frustration and the challenges selling real estate can bring because we know we’ve got time off ahead. They also help children wait more patiently for their parent who is on the phone yet again!
Your family needs to know that the work you do and the interruptions to their lives that real estate creates are what allow them to have all these wonderful experiences. Then, they’ll decide it’s all worth it. You’ll have that home-court advantage that Zig Ziglar taught Floyd to seek and that he passed along to me and you.
My kids and I will never forget our annual trek to Floyd and Linda’s house. The first thing we always did was sit at their kitchen table and make a list of everything we wanted to do over our few days with them.
We listed things like fishing, s’mores and a bonfire, sewing with Linda, seeing a Tigers game, etc.
Floyd taught my boys some woodworking. Linda and Anna sewed up a storm, making pillows and even a quilt. Those memories are so important to all of us. I’m so glad I learned to take time off and to separate my personal life from my business life.
How about you? Did I inspire you to meet with those you love and do some planning? We’d love to hear what your LFTs for the summer are, or to see some photos of the wonderful summer you get to enjoy because you choose to work hard AND have some personal time off in June, July, and August.
- Mary
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