4 Types of Agents Who Struggle to Get Listings—Which One Are You?
Feb 13, 2025I observed Floyd teaching Sweathogs three times over a two-year period before he took that leap of faith and allowed me to teach it on my own. There was a lot of material to learn, but more than just the content he stressed the importance of dispensing the right advice to the right people at the right time.
One of the standards to graduate has always been getting at least one listing during the program.
He taught me to sit down with all of the students who didn’t have a listing after the first four weeks, break them into four groups, and give advice to each group.
So, whether you are in one of our programs or not, if you have gone four weeks without a listing, you might want to listen in on this little pep talk and advice session we always give.
Ask yourself to identify which of the four groups you are in because you never know which piece of advice will be the one to spark a thought.
As Floyd says, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”
Group #1 – You have been going on lots of appointments but you haven’t landed one yet.
You’re frustrated and tired, but it’s too soon to quit. In fact, now would be the worst time to give up. The good news is you're going on lots of appointments. That alone puts you light years ahead of most agents.
I’m willing to bet that you’ve gone on more appointments in the first four weeks of the program than you did in the past four months. Keep doing what you’re doing. And remember, we haven’t even taught you how to handle think it overs, or objections, or hesitations yet. The law of averages is bound to catch up with you sooner rather than later. The best is yet to come.
Group #2 – You’ve made a lot of calls and generated a lot of leads, but only a few appointments.
You’re frustrated and tired, but it’s too soon to quit. In fact, now would be the worst time to give up. The good news is you're making lots of calls and generating a lot of leads. You are stockpiling future business. Even though you haven’t converted as many of them into new appointments as you would like, the fact that you are making the calls puts you light years ahead of most agents.
I’m willing to bet that you have talked to more people in the first four weeks of the program than you did in the past four months. Keep doing what you’re doing and let the law of averages catch up with you. It will sooner rather than later if you just keep making those calls and following up with those leads. The best is yet to come.
Group #3 – You’re making calls but not getting any leads or appointments.
You’re frustrated and tired, but it’s too soon to quit. In fact, now would be the worst time to give up. The good news is you’re making the calls. You're showing up to prospect. That alone puts you light years ahead of most agents.
I’m willing to bet that you have dialed the phone more times in the first four weeks of the program than you did in the past four months. Keep doing what you’re doing. If you’re dialing enough numbers, and having conversations with enough of the right people, you might not be saying the right things, the right way at the right time. Review your audio. Get someone to listen to you and critique. Make a recording of yourself on the phone and send it to me. I will listen to what you are saying and how you are saying it. If there’s a problem, a fresh set of ears can spot it quickly and help you troubleshoot.
Whatever you do, don’t quit now. The best is yet to come.
Group #4 – You are not making calls.
It might be that you are already too busy. Or that you don’t feel like it. Or that you can’t find numbers to dial. The reason doesn’t matter at this point, because you are in danger of striking out of the program.
While it is true that for some people the major benefit of taking the program kicks in 6 months from now, it can’t kick in for you if you strike out. It can’t kick in for you if you don’t do the assignments. As Floyd says, “Education without application is worse than worthless.”
The good news is that you set a goal, made the financial commitment and you are participating.. That alone puts you light years ahead of most agents.
Now this is the week you have to either do what you said you would do, what you agreed to do, what you paid me to teach you how to do, or else. This is the week you stop pretending to be in real estate. Just for this week. Forget about last week. It’s history. Don’t worry about next week. Just commit for this one week and do the assignments. That’s your ticket back to the next session. That’s how you prevent yourself from striking out of the program.
At the end of the advice session, almost always someone would quit, recognizing they had not really even been trying. But most of our students decide to commit and go forward one day at a time. Does commitment last forever? No. Sometimes one day at a time is the best we can do.
And here’s the real point. It’s the only day that matters.
It doesn’t matter what you did yesterday. Yesterday is a canceled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is the only day we have to make a difference.
Turn the page. Wipe the slate clean. Reach out and touch someone. Just for today.
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