10 Ways to Stay Motivated When Prospecting
Mar 16, 2023During an Ask The Experts question last week, I heard this question: “How do I stay motivated to prospect? I’m discouraged. And I’m running out of leads.”
The answers received from the other agents on the call were varied and were certainly inspirational. Everyone gets discouraged from time to time and this market is no different.
If you find yourself feeling a lack of motivation to prospect and a concern over where to find leads – this may be just what you are looking for.
Here are ten ways to find leads and find the motivation that you can try this week:
- Remind yourself that selling real estate is your job. It doesn’t matter if you’re motivated or not. “Go to work” and do the job. Remove the option to not work. Set a timer on your phone and dedicate 60 minutes to uninterrupted work time. If you can’t think of anything to work on, consider it white space. Think. Brainstorm. Pay attention to where your thoughts go.
- Do your SMART Week. Start by blocking out all the things you’ve already committed to doing. Then schedule time off. And third – your prospecting time. Wickman training says two 90-minute sessions each week. Whether digital or in hard copy format, SMART Week helps you create balance in your schedule and also ensures that enough of your time is spent on money-making activities. Don’t get distracted on social media for too long. It could be a place where you generate leads, but get back on track and focused on activities that will earn you more money.
- Get dressed. Go to the office, the library, or to a coffee shop. Buy yourself a drink or a snack and start working. Reach out to past clients or plan a client appreciation activity or event.
- Drive neighborhoods. Look for dumpsters. Knock on the door.
- Start the day with music that gets you jazzed or with an audio from the Vault. Let Floyd motivate and encourage you if Rihanna isn’t cutting it for you today.
- Write down affirmations on sticky notes and paste them around your workspace - where you will see them!
“Each day I take the steps that lead me closer to my goals”
“I am successful”
“I am smart”
- Knock on FSBOs and Expireds.
- Schedule an open house. If you are newer to the industry, offer to host one for an agent higher up at your office. Go into it optimistically and bring your laptop. Whatever happens, if people show up you will have a real estate conversation. If you are in R Squared or a program right now - that counts toward your weekly activities. Nice.
- Take it one day at a time. Start with today. What obstacles can you remove from your path to help you stay focused today?
- Find a new accountability partner to prospect with you. Do a 5-90-10. Schedule a call with them for 5 minutes. Then hang up and dial for 90 minutes. Meet back together after the 90 minutes ends and recap what you accomplished and if you stayed focused during the 90 minutes. This is one of our most effective prospecting tools. Use it!
Which of these will you commit to doing?
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