The Power of Keeping in Touch
Nov 07, 2024This is a common conversation happening in homes all across North America.
“Honey, do you remember who sold us this house?”
“What, you mean 11 years ago?”
“Really? Have we really been here 11 years? Seems like only yesterday we were looking at houses with . . . what was her name. Do you remember?"
“No, but I remember our other real estate agent, the one who put her card inside the breaker box. I see her name every time the GFI trips.”
“Oh, you mean Nancy, the one who sends us that calendar magnet for our refrigerator every December.”
“Yes, Nancy. We get that beautiful magazine from her, and she checks in by phone every once in a while. She asked me to say hey to you last time we talked.”
“Right, that’s her. We went to that shredding event at her office just after tax time.”
“And didn’t she invite us to that private showing of the new Disney movie at the Cineplex?”
“Yeah, Nancy is our real estate agent for sure. I wonder what ever happened to whatshername?”
“Oh, I guess she’s out of the business.”
“Well, now that we’re thinking of selling, maybe we should find out what our house is worth in today’s market. You know, the Bellagios just got $895,000, and they don’t even have the dog run or heavy-duty nails.”
“$895,000? I heard a million two. Let’s call Nancy right now and find out. She’ll know for sure.”
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