In Honor of Get By Giving Award Winner John Brown
Aug 29, 2024This is one of my favorite John Brown stories.
The scene is Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Master Sales Academy. John is sitting in his usual front-row seat. In addition to all of his other wonderful traits, John is also a devoted student, a real learner.
The event begins, as all Wickman events do, with a goal-setting session. How much do you want to earn in the next 12 months? And why is that important to you? John writes down his income goal of $50,000.
(Keep in mind his average sale price at the time was well under $100,000.)
One year later, sitting in the same front-row seat, asked again to commit to an income goal for the next 12 months, John thinks back over the past 12 months and realizes – Hey, I hit my income goal! This time he writes down $75,000, a stretch, but not an impossibility.
Fast forward another 12 months, and there John is, sitting in the front row, notebook open, pen in hand, knowing what’s going to come. How much do you want to earn in the next 12 months and why?
John writes down $100,000!. This is a real stretch for a Kalamazoo Michigan real estate agent in the early 1990’s.
As he is committing to his new goal, John is hit by a bolt of lightning, followed by a thunderclap. Hey, I hit my goal again! That was the lightning bolt.
The clap of thunder was John hitting himself in the forehead as he exclaimed, “Hey, I should have written down $100,000 two years ago!”
Don’t wait for next year. Think John Brown bigger this year. You are goal-striving and goal-achieving.
Set a goal, because it’s difficult to hit a target you can’t see, but it’s impossible to hit a target you don’t even have. And make the commitment, knowing that if anyone can, you can!
Thank you, John Brown. Thank you.
To read John's obituary, please click here.
The Floyd Wickman Team Blog by Mike Pallin
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