Choose Success!

Sep 04, 2012

By Keynote Speaker Floyd Wickman 


Here’s something I know for certain:  It takes no more pain to succeed than it does to fail.  You know, I’ve lived both sides of that coin.  I had times in my career where I struggled and times of extraordinary success and I promise you that it takes just as much time, effort and energy to do either.  The key ingredient to success versus failure?  Your CHOICES.

CHOOSE to surround yourself by strong, positive productive people.  Nothing can drag you down faster than a “negative Nancy’s” or a “never-had-a-positive-thought Ned.”  Those water cooler dwellers who would rather pull people into their doom and gloom rather than actually get out there and do what it takes to make it.  If you’re going to make it to the top – start by seeking out the leaders in your market, learning what they are doing right and working together to raise the bar.

CHOOSE to keep learning.  Listen, I’ve spent my entire adult life in this business and I’m STILL learning every week.  I make it a point to keep “sharpening my ax” as the story goes by learning from mentors that I’ve known for years, from new, talented teachers on today’s top technology trends and from my students as well.  We’ve all got something to teach and something to learn.  It’s how the best get better!

CHOOSE to commit to the work.  The fact is that today’s sales professionals have to work harder than they have before.  They have to know their business inside and out.  They have to fine-tune their skills, practice their dialogues, stay on top of their market trends, learn new negotiation skills, continuously connect with their book of business and manage their time like it’s their job.  Because – well – it is.  Success rarely falls into anyone’s lap.  It’s work.  But if you commit to it, master it and love the people you are working with – it’s all worth it.  Work becomes more enjoyable, more rewarding and more exciting all the time.

So when you’re contemplating where you are in your career today, this week, this month – remember this:  It takes no more pain to succeed than it does to fail.  So CHOOSE Success!

Love ya!


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