Advice (In Memory of Jim Byrnes)
Jim Byrnes of Palo Alto, California, was one of the all-time nice guys, and a winner of the Floyd Wickman ‘Get By Giving’ Award - the highest honor given to one member of the Master Sales Society each year at our annual Master Sales Academy.
Jim once described to me how a long time close friend and past client of his had listed his home with one of Jim’s competitors, without even consulting Jim, and then added insult to injury by asking Jim for advice when they ran into each other at the health club.
It was at that moment, searching for some meaning out of the hurt and disappointment, that Jim decided to take a new approach. He called it “applying a Midwest work ethic to a California market.” He committed to becoming a “trusted real estate advisor” to all of his friends, family and clients, and to stop dividing the world into those who did and those who didn’t do business with him. In other words, to take the highest road with the longest view.
It made a dramatic and positive psychological difference for Jim almost immediately, and his business really took off. In a market of million dollar starter homes, where the average big producer closed 10 deals, Jim’s business grew to 50+ closings each year.
He always attributed his success to making that attitude shift and his willingness to give trusted advice to one and all, regardless.
Floyd taught us, “You can’t get them all.” When disappointment happens - learn from it, let go and go on. In this season of giving, let’s remember Jim’s spirit of generosity and the wonderful example he was to us.
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